Literature Review: Social Influence

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于是在线上社交网络这一新情境下的社会影响就显得尤为重要,越来越多学者致力于探究它的产生机制和影响效果。很大一部分研究关注社会影响在社交网络上的传播(diffusion),常使用 hazard model 对用户采纳行为建模 (Aral&Walker, 2011; Dewan et al., 2017),Susarla et al. (2012) 以YouTube上发布的视频为对象,关注视频发布者的社交网络及网络上的传播者对视频播放量增长的影响,发现考虑社会影响的内容传播过程与之前的 Bass 传播模型有较大差异。

另一些研究的重点不是传播,而是以内容平台上的用户为对象,探究用户朋友对内容的积极行为(如点赞)对 focal user 做出积极行为的影响。Salganik et al. (2006) 通过音乐平台实验发现社会影响能够增加音乐播放量的 inequality 和 unpredictability;Bapna and Umyarov (2015) 和 Oestreicher-Singer and Zalmanson (2013) 发现在线音乐平台上 friend 和 community 的付费订阅行为对 focal user 的付费行为有正向影响;同样是在线音乐平台的情景,Dewan et al. (2017) 验证了 popularity influence(即全体用户产生的影响,如显示出的全体用户对某一歌曲的点赞数)和 proximity influence(即用户朋友对该用户产生的影响,如朋友对某一歌曲的点赞数)同时存在;Rishika and Ramaprasad (2019) 发现双向关注、单向关注、单向被关注三种不同连接关系类型有不同程度的社会影响,同时 focal user 的社会网络嵌入性(embeddedness)和连接强度(tie strength)能够放大影响的传播效果。


Aral, S., & Walker, D. (2011). Identifying social influence in networks using randomized experiments. IEEE Intelligent Systems, 26(5), 91-96.

Dewan, S., Ho, Y. J., & Ramaprasad, J. (2017). Popularity or proximity: Characterizing the nature of social influence in an online music community. Information Systems Research, 28(1), 117-136.

Susarla, A., Oh, J. H., & Tan, Y. (2012). Social networks and the diffusion of user-generated content: Evidence from YouTube. Information systems research, 23(1), 23-41.

Salganik, M. J., Dodds, P. S., & Watts, D. J. (2006). Experimental study of inequality and unpredictability in an artificial cultural market. science, 311(5762), 854-856.

Bapna, R., & Umyarov, A. (2015). Do your online friends make you pay? A randomized field experiment on peer influence in online social networks. Management Science, 61(8), 1902-1920.

Oestreicher-Singer, G., & Zalmanson, L. (2013). Content or community? A digital business strategy for content providers in the social age. MIS quarterly, 591-616.

Rishika, R., & Ramaprasad, J. (2019). The effects of asymmetric social ties, structural embeddedness, and tie strength on online content contribution behavior. Management Science, 65(7), 3398-3422.